Ruby Ranch

Bringing together people, plants, and play.

Join us for our annual plant sales, a fall gathering, and family-friendly events in the Asheville area.

Family Friendly Events

Engaging in community events gives us the opportunity to engage with others in a meaningful way. In an age of increasing separation, it is important to come together in fun, creativity, and play. We have many community events ranging from movie nights to farm work parties.

Upcoming Events

Seasonal Gatherings

Check out our upcoming Plant Sale!

We are bound by the seasons of time. We celebrate the seasons as connections to the passing of time and as markings that reconnect us with nature and her cycles. At the Ranch, we offer seasonal celebrations to graciously bring in each coming season.

Horse Lessons and Classes

Humans and horses share a long history and coevolution. They are powerful, sensitive beings that teach us respect, trust, and compassion. At the Ranch, our relationship with horses is a part of our foundation of connection. Learn more about our horse lessons, clinics, and other opportunities to connect with these incredible creatures.

Our Community Ranch Approach

At the Ruby Ranch, our mission is to cultivate a vibrant community through sustainable practices, educational workshops, and memorable family-friendly events. We strive to provide a welcoming space for people to connect with nature, learn about permaculture, and enjoy the beauty of our flowers, plants and animals. Through hosting educational workshops, horse riding lessons, kids camps, and more, we aim to foster a love for nature and provide opportunities for growth and learning. Our commitment to sustainability and community engagement guides everything we do at the Ruby Ranch.